Monday, February 4, 2013

Marriage Monday - Books


It's Marriage Monday, actually taking place on Monday! What a concept! lol

I love to read! I buy a ton of books! Mostly Christian marriage and family books and Christian fiction. 

Today, I wanted to share with you my favorite marriage books! (These aren't in any particular order)

1. The Politically Incorrect Wife by: Connie Grigsby and Nancy Cobb

2. Creative Counterpart by: Linda Dillow

3. Love and Respect by: Dr. Emerson Eggerichs 

4. Created to be His Helpmeet by: Debi Pearl 

5. Becoming the Woman of His Dreams by: Sharon Jaynes

6. Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by: Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald

7. The Five Love Language by: Gary Chapman 

8. The Excellent Wife by: Martha Peace

9. When I Get Married by: Jerusha Clark

10. For Women Only by: Shaunti Feldhahn

11. The Power of a Praying Wife by: Stormie Omartian

I am currently reading This Momentary Marriage by: John Piper

And these marriage books are on my to read list: 

1. A Wife After God's Own Heart by: Elizabeth George 

2. What's it Like to be Married to Me? by: Linda Dillow

3. Sacred Marriage by: Gary Thomas

4. God, Marriage, and Family by: Andreas J. Kostenberger

5. Real Marriage by: Mark and Grace Driscoll

Do you have any favorite marriage and family books to share?

For His Glory,

P.S. Follow Me on Pinterest

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