Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Refining Fire: Part 2

In part one, I discussed going through The Refining Fire.  

Now in Part Two, I wanna discuss how God brought me out of this particular fire... (because of course we are never totally out of the fire, because if we were God wouldn't be sanctifying us) and the blessings I have received because I didn't run out of the fire too soon.

Here is my story:   

My husband recently started working full time. This enabled me to leave my job in retail... 

I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do once I left. I thought about working at a bank, working part-time in retail somewhere... I really didn't know. Then I got an idea that just wouldn't go away. I thought I would be a nanny. So I took steps in that direction ... I made a profile and I tried to get connected with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) in hopes of finding a family.  I had a few responses but none that worked out at all. ..... I was about to give up. I thought maybe this wasn't what God had in mind for me, and I needed to just stay where I was for the time being.

Then during my week long vacation from work, I went to a friends bridal shower. There I got to catch up with my friends from college.  Three of them that were there are nannies and I was able to talk with them about their experiences.  One of the girls, also named Emily, told me that she may have a family who was looking for a nanny. 

Emily gave me the mothers information and I contacted her. Her name is also Emily (lol), and we spoke for several days back and forth. We found out that we had several things in common, besides the obvious, lol. One of which was Cerebral Palsy (CP). My younger sister has CP and the doctors told Emily that her infant daughter could possibly have CP.  I was able to answer some questions for her and ease her fears a bit.  

By this time I had come back from vacation.  I thought after being gone for a week I would come back refreshed ... But  I didn't... I was still very ready to leave.

After texting Emily back and forth for about a week, she had me come down to meet her babies. Owen is one and Aleah is 5 months. They also have a 2 year old named Scotty. He goes to preschool, so I only help get him breakfast and ready to go in the mornings. 

The reason they have 3 so close together is because the 2 older boys are adopted and Aleah was a surprise!  Emily and Sam (her husband) were Scotty's foster parents. When they found out his parent's rights had been terminated, they proceeded to go through the adoption process.  In the mean time they were also in the process of adopting a child from Taiwan. Sam and Emily then found out they were matched with Owen and started the process of bringing him home. Emily then found out she was pregnant with Aleah.

In November 2012, Scotty's adoption was finalized, in December Sam went to pick up Owen in Taiwan. And in January, Aleah came a month early.  They went from having Scotty as a foster child, to 3 children in 3 months time!  

Then at the end of April, is when I contacted them.  Little did I know, they had been searching for a nanny for awhile already. Just like I had been searching for a family for awhile.

I then met with Emily, the 2 babies, and Emily's mom.  I thought I was interviewing, but I found out when I got there that they already were giving me the job. They were just letting me meet them before I came for the first time.

All of this was a God thing.  Emily's mom, Cathy, was with me one day while I was watching the babies. And she shared with me their side of the story.  She said that after I left, Emily had such peace about me being their nanny, that she felt like she already trusted me even before meeting me. She felt like I was an answer to their prayer. And I got to share how I felt like they were the family I was going to nanny for even before I knew for sure. And how they were just as much an answer to my prayer as I was to their's. 

It was so cool to see God working. I knew that I was suppose to be their nanny, but I also needed a second nanny job for another 2-3 days a week. So I was still on the lookout. 

The second time I came to nanny for Sam and Emily, Emily asked if I had found a second family yet and I said no... She then asked if I wanted to work another 2 or 3 days at her office. She is the director of a Christian adoption agency in Springfield. 

I was thrilled, but I knew I needed to ask my husband because it is a 45 minute drive to Springfield and I was already driving 30 minutes to nanny for them.  

My husband said he didn't care, and so I messaged Emily that night telling her my husband okayed the drive.  She then texted me the next day saying she had approved my hire with her executive director! 

It all happened so fast! I didn't turn in my application, I didn't interview, I was just handed the job! It was so obviously God's doing that I couldn't ignore it! I have been working for Emily in her home and at her office for a little over a month now, and I am still in awe of God's provision and how He brought it all together! 

Not only am I working in my field of study, but it is a Christian environment and I am getting to do so many different things.  I care for babies 2 days a week, I get to work with families who are wanting to adopt, I get to do office work, and recently I have been painting so I'm also doing manual labor.  I love it because I'm not doing the same thing over and over again. I love the diversity. And on top of that I get to work from home on Friday's and only if I want to! So on the Fridays David works, I work. And if He is off on Fridays I get to spend them with him! I am so spoiled! I could not have dreamed for a better work situation and environment.  God is so faithful!  My heart is so full and overjoyed! 

One of the biggest perks to my job is that I work Monday-Thursday/Friday.  So I can now go to church every week instead of once every other month. I am now involved in Sunday School and a small group, and I am making friends!  It may seem silly, but it has done my heart and walk with the Lord so much good! 

I just wanted to share with you about God's provision in my life, after I shared with you how difficult The Refining Fire was.  I wanted to share so that God would get the glory because it was all His doing! The fire was His doing, the lessons I received while in the fire were His doing, and now the blessings He is giving because of my obedience of staying in the fire when I wanted to run are His doing!  

I am so blessed! I am so thankful!

You see, if I would have left my job in retail when I wanted to and not when God wanted me to, not only would I have missed out on God's lessons, but I more than likely would not have the jobs I do now, because it would have been to early, the timing wouldn't have been right. God knew that I need to stay in The Refining Fire not only to learn the lessons, but also so His plan could come through! Of course, He would have used whatever I chose, because our God rocks like that. But better it be His plan to begin with, than Him having to work with ours.

So if you are in a tough place, know that God has you there for a reason... Learn the lessons, obey even when it's painful, and then watch and wait for God to bring you to the other side of His Refining Fire. 

In Part Three, I will talk about what God revealed to me after He brought me out of the fire... so stay tuned! 
For His Glory,


  1. Wow Emily, what a great testimony! I'm right there with you, girl! If we all just stopped and counted our blessings and recognized God's presence in our lives and His faithfulness, we would realize how spoiled we are by Him! Thanks for sharing your heart. This really encouraged me today!

  2. This is incredible! What a blessing to read how God perfectly provided for you in all the areas we'd talked about and more. He is so good! I can't wait to read the rest of the story :)
