It's been a while since I've written anything.
The shopping fast has been over for for almost a month now. I have bought a few new Spring tops, 2 clutches, sunglasses, and brown flats (closet staple I didn't have!) and mint flats.
I have seen changes in my thought process.... I question myself more before buying something. Asking if I really love it, does it fit properly, is there anything I would change about it. Because I ask myself these questions I have put a lot of things back that I would have bought before the shopping fast.
I am still not perfect at this, I still could spend less. But it has gotten better. Progress is progress.
I may do it again in a few months.
For His Glory.
Hi Emily, I'm glad the fast went well for you and that you were able to learn a lot of good things. As a fairly new-ly-wed, the lessons you've learned will help you in the future. I wish I had learned what I've learned over the last few months of my clothing fast during my first year of marriage. It's amazing though how giving Gof one aspect of my life has affected other things too. He's definitely showing me how to be a good steward of what He's given me. I'm also so content with the many blessings I have. He spoils me! Iris