Friday, January 25, 2013

Thoughtful Thursday - Discovery!


It is Thoughtful Thursday! 

Once again, this isn't necessarily thoughtful.... (But remember that wasn't the point of "Thoughtful Thursday" I could be thoughtful or it could be just something I want to share ..... It can be anything I want it to be.... SO, no complaining when it isn't very insightful, thought provoking, or intuitive! lol) 

But I wanted to share with you something I discovered today!! And I am SUPER DUPER PUMPED ABOUT IT!!!! :-D

I discovered a new blog via Caitlin's blog! (You should remember her, she is a tool the Lord used to get me to start the Clothing Fast I am currently on!) 

The new blog I discovered is called Putting Me Together.  I love this girls style! She has a lot of really cute outfits I want to try! I haven't been reading her blog very long at all, like a few days, but she gave a shout out to her sponsors today.  One of them was Go Chic or Go Home.  I haven't gotten a chance to play with it very much at all, but it sounds like something I will love once I get a chance too! Basically you can upload pictures of all your clothes and create outfits without having to have a mess all over your bed!! (Anyone else have that problem? It is me on the daily!! ... Well on my days off anyway!) You can also upload pictures from online to see if the item will go with other things in your closet before you buy it! Brilliant!! Click Here to read what Audrey at Putting Me Together has to say about it!  She knows WAY more than I do! 

The reason I am so excited about this is because it will help me mix and match and create new outfits from what  already have in my closet!! It may help me put together outfits I haven't thought of before and when I am able to buy something (after the fast is over) I can see whether it would be a good purchase or not!! I'll give a review at a later date once I start using the site more!!

For His Glory,

P.S. Follow Me on Pinterest!


  1. I use Go Chic Or Go Home. I found it from Audrey's blog too! I don't have my entire closet in there, but I have enough of it to give me a good jumping off point. I'm your first GCOGH follower. :)

  2. This sounds awesome! Maybe I will have time to use it, haha.
