Saturday, January 12, 2013

Faith Filled Friday . . . On Saturday


So I know it is Saturday, but I am doing my post for Friday.  So this is Faith filled Saturday or Faith Filled Friday on Saturday. . . . Or something like that.  Since every day should be faith filled I think this is okay.  

Last night something crazy happened at work and I ended up working for 12 hours. This is never fun and as you can probably guess I was not happy about it. Needless to say I did not feel up to blogging ... or doing much of anything.  An easy dinner of tacos was made and that seemed like enough accomplishment for one night, after 12 hours at work.... lol. 

So here is Fridays post on Saturday .....

So I am going to be honest.  Honest about something that I have a problem with.  Well lets just call it what it is.... Sin.  It is a sin I know the Lord (and my husband for that matter) wants to deal with. It is something that has held me captive for a few months now and it's a bit ridiculous.  

This thing is ..... shopping. I buy clothes .... a lot of clothes. And it is getting to be ridiculous. 

It started when I cleaned out my closet from my old wardrobe of Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, and American Eagle.  A lot of it was immodest so I wanted to get rid of it.  But I also wanted to dress more my age.  I had most of those clothes since I was in high school and they were worn out or they were no longer my style.  So it started out innocently and then turned into somewhat of a monster. I now have more clothes than I can wear because I only get to wear the clothes I want 2 days a week do to my job, lame.  

Sometimes I buy something because I have wanted it for a while and I find it for a great deal ..... example a few days ago I bought a black cardigan($7), a mustard colored sweater($9), and a grey sweater($13).... I found them all on the clearance rack at Target (I love that place a little too much for all sorts of reasons!). They were all originally over $20, so I did get a good deal, and I have wanted them for awhile, but did I need them..... NO! I have plenty of clothes! But I can't seem to say no to myself.... Self control 
problems anyone? Yes self control problems. 

Other times I buy things just because I want them, only to find out I didn't really love it but it's too late to return because I already wore it. I hate that! And it has happened to me about 3 times. :-/ Ridiculous anyone? (I nod my head agreeing)

But most of the time I just see something. I want it. I buy it. 
It has become an addiction ... I see something I want and I can't get it out of my head until I purchase it ... So I do. The thrill is over, and I find something else that I want and the cycle continues. Shopping addiction anyone? (My hand goes in the air, as my eyes embarrassingly divert to the floor)

The good news.... 

Jesus has covered my sin with His blood.

Jesus loves me and doesn't want me to stay in my present condition.

God the Father wants to transform me to be more like His Son. 

And God has perfect timing .... always.

Example A of God's perfect timing:
 My husband and I were discussing my shopping obsession and how it needed to stop because it is costing us money that we need to be saving (David needs a computer because he went to school for graphic design, and we want to move... both are not cheap endeavors). Literally the next day on my lunch break I was on Pinterest, and I stumble upon this blog post.  (Go a head and read it, it is not long). 

This girl is awesome! Her name is Caitlin! And This  is her blog! :) I have read a lot of her posts since then and I knew God was calling me to do something similar. 

Then a couple days later I am again on Pinterest (lol) and I see a post by money saving mom called 16 Ways to Become More Content.  And what is #1?

"Go on a Spending Fast" !!!!!!!!! (If you want proof click on it!) 

And I'm thinking "Are you serious God?"  Within one week (3 days actually) he has put this idea in front of me twice!!! God is apparently using social media! lol. And apparently trying to tell me something..... Isn't the Lord awesome like that! :)

So that is what I am going to do ... I am going on a shopping fast for 3 months. 

For three months I will buy no clothes, shoes, accessories, or makeup I don't need. (By I don't need I mean - I will buy makeup if I completely run out of something, but only to replace exactly what I had before, no trying anything new). If 3 months doesn't sound very long to you, then you haven't witnessed my spending habits .... So 3 months it is! 

I am praying that during this time the Lord will show me why I have this problem and what is at the heart of it. I pray that through this He will draw me to himself, and that after these 3 months clothing will no longer tempt me the way it does now. That I will shop smarter and only purchase things I love and fit perfectly, not things that are just so-so. 

"What She Wore Wednesday's" will be about me creating fun outfits with what I already own ... I have heard it called "Shopping your closet." I can't remember where maybe Caitlin's blog.... I don't remember....

During this time I will play a game with myself.  And it is..... See how much money you can save! I am bringing my lunch a lot of days to work instead of eating out (aka taco bell) everyday as well as doing this fast. So we shall see how this all goes! 

I will blog about it here in hopes that it will keep me accountable.  

This is the last thing I bought and I pray that in three months I can show you the same  item and say the same thing! 

For His Glory,

P.S. Follow Me on Pinterest!


  1. I can't wait to read more about your 3 month challenge!! I'm humbled that God used the lessons he taught me to affect you. He's so good! :)

    1. Yes He is!! So cool how He works!! I feel so loved when I can see Him working in my life!! :-)

  2. Hi Emily! Found your blog via Caitlin's and I love your style. I've added you to my blogroll and started following some of your boards. I'm looking forward to reading more.

  3. Hi Emily, I'm Iris and I found your blog via Caitlin tagging us on her new remix series on IG. I'm currently doing a clothing fast too. It started on Black Friday 2012. I look forward to reading about your future clothing remixes and what God is teaching you. You can follow me on Pinterest too under "Maui How."
